§ Mr. JOHN MURPHYasked the Chief Secretary whether the Estates Commissioners are aware that the landlord of the Morrogh Bernard estate, county Kerry, which is now before them, is proceeding to evict Mr. Morty Buckley, a reintsated evicted tenant, in consequence of a dispute about a passage, which the evicted tenant considers essential for the use of the holding; and whether the Commissioners propose to take any steps to effect a settlement of this dispute?
§ Mr. BIRRELLI have nothing to add to my reply to the question asked by the hon. Member on 3rd March last in reference to this case.
§ Mr. MURPHYHaving regard to the fact that since March last a writ has been issued against this evicted tenant, will the right hon. Gentleman press the Estates Commissioners to try and come to a satisfactory arrangement in the matter?
§ Mr. BIRRELLI can assure the hon. Member that the Estates Commissioners are doing all they can. Their difficulty has been in this case that the evicted tenant has assumed so unreasonable an attitude.