HC Deb 17 May 1909 vol 5 c5

asked the Secretary of State for War what is the nominal establishment of the company of Royal Engineers stationed at Sheerness; what is its actual strength; and whether an official intimation has been made to the effect that this company would always be 35 per cent. short of its establishment?


The peace establishment of this company is 3 officers and 58 other ranks, and the strength on the 12th May was 3 officers and 48 other ranks. Prior to the estimate for the current year the recruits and men under instruction were not provided for in the establishments of the Depot Companies at Chatham, but in those of the units away from the depot, so that there was a corresponding shortage in the various units at home. Provision has been made in this year's estimates for the inclusion of a certain number of recruits in the Depot Companies' establishments which will admit of various units being more nearly kept up to the establishment in fully trained men.


Are we to understand that the increase of strength which I understand the right hon. Gentleman says will be made will enable the searchlights to be used fully, and not only 50 per cent. as at the present time?


I do not know about that. The hon. Member must put down a question if he wants to know about that, but there has been an increase.