HC Deb 11 May 1909 vol 4 c1645
Lord BALCARRES (for Mr. Gretton)

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if any public officials are rewarded according to the amount of the collection of taxes for which they are responsible, either in the form of a commission, bonus, or increase of status or salary?


So far as taxes under the management of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue are concerned remuneration for collection is generally by fixed salary. In the cases where it takes, in whole or in part, the form of a commission or bonus, all pertinent circumstances (including the amount to be collected) are taken into consideration.


Am I to understand that a bonus is paid to income-tax officers who show special zeal and success in the collection of money in that Department?


I rather gather from information coming from the Inland Revenue that in the vast majority of cases the general rule is that they get a fixed salary. Occasionally there is a commission paid, and there, of course, the amount is taken into account. Those, however, are exceptional cases.