HC Deb 05 May 1909 vol 4 cc1036-7

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the parish of Templetown, containing 5,220 acres and having 1,000 inhabitants, has no post office; and whether he will order an inquiry as to the cause of this state of things with a view to giving better postal facilities to the people of Templetown?


The question of opening a post office at Templetown has been under consideration from time to time; but as the existing service in the district is carried on at a considerable loss to revenue, I regret that the facility cannot be provided at present.


asked the Postmaster-General if he will explain why he requested the Llanharan District Council, or the company supplying electric light to the village of Llanharan, Glamorganshire, to accept responsibility for a portion of the cost for altering their system of wiring in consequence of the erection of Post Office wires in the village of Llanharan; will he refund the sum which has been paid by the parties rather than delay the work by prolonged negotiations; and will the Post Office Department in future accept full financial responsibility for any charge in the system of wiring of undertakings already established within the area which may be necessary to enable the Post Office Department's wires to be put up?


The liability to protect the Postmaster-General's wires as well as the persons of the general public is thrown upon electric light undertakers by regulations made by the Board of Trade under section 4 of the Electric Lighting Act, 1888. In the present case there was some question as to the best means of affording the required protection, and there were circumstances which led me to think that I might properly charge the public funds with most of the cost. The Chairman of the Parish Council has undertaken that the small proportion charged to the council will be paid. All difficulties, therefore, are, I hope, at an end. I cannot undertake to accept responsibilities which by law are thrown upon local authorities or private persons.