HC Deb 05 May 1909 vol 4 cc1052-3

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that it was owing to the want of a proper water supply that so much damage was done by the fire to the workhouse buildings at Longford, and that the officer in charge of the military fire brigade on his arrival at the fire could not find a fire-hydrant nearer than three-quarters of a mile away, and was therefore unable to use the fire-hose, so that the fire was allowed to burn itself out; can he say why there was not a suitable water supply to be used in case of fire; will he inquire whether there are any other workhouses and public hospitals in Ireland left so unprotected; and will he, in the interests of human life, see that all such institutions under the control of the Local Government Board shall have proper water supplies which can be made available to extinguish fires in future?


I am informed that a water supply is very much needed in connection with this workhouse, and that when the military and police arrived there was hardly any water available, so that nothing could be done beyond isolating the fire which had broken out. I understand that when the town of Longford became an Urban Sanitary District the water from the town main was cut off from the workhouse, as the guardians and the urban district council could not agree as to the price to be paid for the supply. The Local Government Board have in many cases pressed boards of guardians to obtain a sufficient water supply for use in case of fire, and to provide fire escapes and extinguishers, and they will continue to urge this matter upon the attention of guardians.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the recent fire in Longford workhouse, when the lives of many old and infirm people were in danger; has he ascertained the actual amount of the loss caused by the fire; whether such loss was covered by insurance; and, if not, what was the actual loss sustained by the guardians in addition to the sum payable by the insurance company; whether he will have inquiries made with a view to ascertaining if the workhouses and other buildings under the control of boards of guardians throughout Ireland are fully covered by insurance; and, if not so covered, will he cause steps to be taken to have them fully secured against loss to the ratepayers?


I am informed that the portions of the workhouse affected by the fire were insured for £3,000, and the linen, clothing, etc., for £1,000. So far as the Local Government Board are aware the total loss has not yet been ascertained, and the amount, if any, which may fall on union funds cannot therefore be stated. The workhouse rules provide for the sufficient insurance of workhouse buildings; and I understand that all such premises are, as a matter of fact, fairly insured.