HC Deb 03 May 1909 vol 4 c736
Mr. HAYDEN (for Mr. Patrick O'Brien)

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that the view obtains in Ireland that the revision of old age pensions granted in that country now proceeding under the direction of the Treasury is illegal; whether before ordering the revision the Treasury had fortified itself with the opinion and approval of its legal advisers; and, if not, whether such opinion has been since or will now be obtained.


I am not aware what views are held in Ireland upon the legal construction to be placed upon the provisions of the Old Age Pensions Act and Regulations dealing with the revision of awards. The action which has been taken by pension officers is guided by the instructions received by them from the Commissioners of Inland Revenue (up to 31st March last, and since that date from the Commissioners of Customs and Excise). These instructions have been settled after consultation, when necessary, with the legal advisers of the Departments.

Mr. HAYDEN (for Mr. Patrick O'Brien)

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can state the number of claims for old age pensions made and investigated in Ireland during the first three months of the present year and the number of claims now pending; and whether the revision of pensions granted now taking place causes delay in the investigation of current claims; and, if so, whether he will take steps to prevent the loss which this would involve to persons entitled to pensions.


The number of claims made in the quarter ended 31st March, 1909, was 28,604, and the number investigated, 32,589. There were 20,206 pending on 1st April, 1909. A certain amount of delay must inevitably take place in consequence of the large number of new claims which have to be investigated, and the limited accommodation in the Census Office at the disposal of the search officers, but the investigation of new claims takes precedence over inquiries in connection with pensions already granted. There is no power to make the decision of a pension committee retrospective.