HC Deb 31 March 1909 vol 3 c320
Viscount VALENTIA (on behalf of Mr. Renwick)

asked whether the contract for the Rosyth works, which gave the contractors the option of using Norwegian granite, contained a clause empowering the Government to cancel such option in case the experiments which were being made into the respective merits of British and Norwegian granite demonstrated that the British article was superior to the foreign?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. McKenna)

The Admiralty have had careful inquiry made as regards the relative suitability of British and foreign granite for use in dock construction, and they are quite satisfied that suitable granite can be obtained from abroad. Granite of an adequate quality is stipulated for in the Rosyth specification, and the Admiralty will see that the quality supplied comes up to the specification. The contractors have not yet submitted for approval samples of the granite they propose to use. Under the conditions of the contract the Admiralty can reject any that is inferior to specification.