HC Deb 31 March 1909 vol 3 cc342-3

The following Bills were presented and read a first time:—

Mr. ROBERT HARCOURT—Necessitous Mothers (Assistance).—Bill to empower Local Authorities to make provision for the assistance of necessitous women in contemplation of, and after, childbirth(To be read a second time, 5th April.)

Sir WILLIAM ANSON—Plumage (Prohibition of Sale or Exchange of).—Bill to prohibit the Sale or Exchange of the Plumage and Skins of certain wild birds. (To be read a second time, 11th May.)

Sir THOMAS ROE—Local Authorities (Advertising).—Bill to enable Local Authorities to advertise the attractions and advantages of their districts. (To be read a second time, 30th April.)

Mr. WILLIAMSON—Foreign Trawlers (Regulation).—Bill to provide for the better prevention of fishing by Foreign Trawl Vessels within areas closed to British Trawl Vessels. (To be read a second time, 22nd April.)

Mr. WILLIAMSON—Absent Voters.—Bill to facilitate the recording of Votes at Parliamentary elections by fishermen, sailors, and other persons liable to habitual absence from their usual residence in pursuit of their calling. (To be read a second time, 22nd April.)

Sir WILLIAM HOLLAND—Mercantile Corporations and Companies (Municipal Franchise).—Bill to confer the municipal franchise upon mercantile corporations and companies. (To be read a second time, 27th April.)