HC Deb 31 March 1909 vol 3 cc336-7

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that a man named Stephen Quinn, of Urachy-Aughrim, county Galway, was arrested by Constables Lenehan and Reynolds, of Loughrea, and charged with assault, and that Quinn was handcuffed to the back rail of the car and taken to Loughrea, about 13 miles distant, and arrived there at 3 a.m.; and, seeing that the magistrates at petty sessions, including two resident magistrates, unanimously condemned the action of the constables as unwarrantable and unnecessary and hoped the matter would not be let drop, will he state what action has since been taken in reference to this matter?


The Inspector-General of the Royal Irish Constabulary informs me that the two constables when returning from Ballinasloe to Loughrea on the night of the 5th instant, met Quinn and another man, who threw stones at them, some of which struck the car. The police arrested Quinn, and brought him on the car to Loughrea. Fearing a rescue they handcuffed him to the rail of the car during the journey. Quinn was prosecuted at Ballinasloe Petty Sessions and fined 10s. and costs for assaulting the police. A counter-charge of common assault brought by Quinn against the police was dismissed on the merits. The bench were unanimously of opinion that Quinn should not have been handcuffed to the rail of the car. The facts were fully reported to the Inspector-General, who considered that the constables had acted improperly, and they have been warned against acting in such a way again.