§ Mr. KETTLEI wish to ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether he can state the total amount of Land Stock issued under the Land Purchase Act of 1903; the total number of holders of this stock, and the average amount held; and the number of holders resident in Ireland, with the average amount held by each?
§ Mr. KETTLEalso asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether any Government Departments, and, if so, what Departments, hold Land Stock issued under the Land Purchase Act of 1903, and what is the amount so held; and whether his attention has been called to a resolution of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce requesting that Two and Three-quarters per Cent. Land Stock should be made more accessible to small investors; whether the mode of issue and transfer of this stock is that adopted by public companies; and whether any change in these respects is contemplated?
§ Mr. HOBHOUSEThe total amount of Guaranteed Two and Three-quarter per Cent. Stock issued is £33,201,444 8s. 9d., as shown in House of Commons Paper No. 285 of 1908. I have no information as to the number of holders of this stock, and as to the other details asked for by the hon. Member. The only figures available to show what amount of this stock is held by Government Departments will be found in the annual accounts of those Depart- 173 ments as presented to Parliament. My attention has been called to the resolution of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, and the question is now under consideration; but I may add that it is proposed by the Irish Land Bill now before the House of Commons to make this stock available for investment by savings bank depositors. The method of purchase and sale of this stock is precisely the same as that for Consols or any other Government stock.
§ Mr. KETTLEWill the hon. Gentleman obtain information, at any reasonable cost, as to the number of holdings?
§ Mr. HOBHOUSEI think it would be very difficult indeed, and it would entail an enormous amount of trouble. Unless some very useful purpose be served, I do not think the information ought to be supplied.
§ Mr. FLYNNWill the hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of issuing Land Stock in small amounts of £10, so that this stock will be made accessible to small investors?
§ Mr. HOBHOUSEI shall be glad to consider the suggestion.