HC Deb 04 March 1909 vol 1 c1571

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the police reports, of which a précis has been laid upon the Table, are limited to a review of the condition of affairs existing in each county during the month of January, 1909, only; and will he, in order that the House may have before it a similar review of the condition of each county throughout the year 1908, lay upon the Table a précis of the periodical reports made by the police authorities in that year?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The object in placing the précis before the House was to give the latest information as to the state of the country which had been received from the police authorities. I do not see any sufficient reason for laying a précis of previous reports on the Table.


asked whether the précis takes cognisance of all matters reported upon by the police authorities; and, if not, what matters have been excluded from reference in the précis?


The pr—cis takes cognisance of all matters reported by the police authorities as bearing upon the state of the country in regard to law and order generally. References to individuals which it would be inexpedient to publish were omitted, as also some matters which had no bearing on the question of public order.