§ Mr. ESSEXasked whether anything is being done in the neighbourhood of Upper 375 or Lower Quinton, in Gloucestershire, to provide small holdings and allotments; and, if so, what?
§ Mr. J. H. WHITLEY (on behalf of Sir E. Strachey)Three applications have been received from this district, and one of them has been satisfied. The county council have endeavoured to acquire by voluntary arrangement land to satisfy the other two applicants. They have, however, failed to do so and have decided to make an Order for compulsory hiring.
§ Mr. ESSEXasked how many applications for land under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act have been made in the parish of Welford-on-Avon, Gloucestershire, for what amounts these several applications were, and at what dates were they made; has anything been done to satisfy those applicants, and, if so, what, and when; were they offered an out-of-the-way field on Lord Sackville's estate, which field was practically derelict, being largely grown over with gorse, brambles, thorns, etc.; and, if so, has any official seen and reported on this field?
§ Mr. WHITLEYThirteen applications have been received by the County Council. Seven of them were for two acres, three for one and a-quarter acres, and the other three for six, five, and three acres respectively. Ten of them were received in May and two in March of last year, the other one in May last. The applicant for six acres has been satisfied and the County Council have submitted to the Board an Order for the compulsory acquisition of sufficient land to satisfy the ether applicants. The field which Lord Sackville offered to the county council was conveniently situated for small holdings, but the character of the soil and the condition of the field rendered it unsuitable. The offer of it was, therefore, declined by the council. It was not seen by any of our inspectors.
§ Mr. ESSEXasked whether the Board of Agriculture have any reports upon the small holdings established under the last Act at Clifford Chambers, Gloucestershire; and, if so, what is the nature of those reports?
§ Mr. WHITLEYThe reply is in the negative, but we shall be glad to make inquiries.