§ Sir SAMUEL SCOTTasked whether in Frankfort Increment Duty is paid solely upon transfers on sale of land, and not upon leases?
§ Mr. HOBHOUSEThe tax in Frankfort is payable on change of ownership and is reckoned on a basis of sale price. No mention of leaseholds occurs in the law, possibly because transactions in real property in Frankfort are practically confined to sales and purchases of freehold tenures. I may, however, mention that the latest Hamburg law, which came into force on 12th October last, provides that the same principles of the taxation of increment value shall be applied to leaseholds as to 'freeholds. This provision has been introduced by way of precaution as leaseholds are at present very uncommon in Hamburg.
§ Mr. HAROLD COXMay I ask whether this tax does not apply to houses as well as land?
§ Mr. HOBHOUSEMy right hon. Friend (Mr. Lloyd-George) proposes to lay upon the Table a Blue Book containing all the information about this Frankfort administration, and the other Papers which were promised to the House. It is already in the hands of the printer, and I hope it will be in the hands of Members in the course of a day or two.