HC Deb 30 June 1909 vol 7 cc389-90

asked what has been the result of the inquiry made by the police authorities into the bayonet charge made by the police on parties cutting turf in the Portriad bog, at Cappamore, county Limerick, on 4th May last; will the name of the policeman who stabbed John Mulcahy be made known, and will any prosecution be initiated against him, considering that Mulcahy's life was in danger for more than a week; and will the Government compensate those who were wounded on the occasion, particularly John Mulcahy, who was detained in the Union Hospital, Limerick, for four weeks, and who it is feared has been permanently injured as a result of the stab received on the occasion?


The inquiry into this matter will not be completed for some little time, and, in the meantime, I am not in a position to answer the remainder of the question.


Is there any foundation for the report that the inspector who ordered the charge has been transferred to another district?


I think not.