HC Deb 28 July 1909 vol 8 cc1174-5

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he is aware that the Legislature of British Guiana, on 25th February last, declared unanimously in favour of the creation of a Board of Education; that such declaration was in accordance with the expressed wish of the people; and, if so, can he state what steps are being taken to give effect to the same?

Colonel SEELY

The resolution of the combined court in favour of the creation of a Board of Education was submitted to the Secretary of State. My Noble Friend, while recognising the objections which have led his predecessors, in agreement with successive Governors, to oppose the re-establishment of such a Board in British Guiana, had no desire to maintain an attitude of opposition to the scheme in its entirety against the express wishes of the members of the court, and he therefore communicated to the Acting Governor his approval of the establishment of a Board, subject to certain necessary safeguards.