HC Deb 27 July 1909 vol 8 cc1095-6

Order read for resuming Adjourned Debate on Amendment to Question [15th July], "That the Bill be now read a second time:"

Which Amendment was to leave out the word "now," and at the end of the Question to add the words "upon this day three months."—[Mr. Summerbell.]

Question again proposed, "That the word 'now' stand part of the Question."

Debate resumed.


I ask the permission of the House to further adjourn the consideration of the second reading of this Bill. After the last adjournment a conference was held between the representatives of the company and the representatives of the union, with a member of the Labour party present. At the close of the conference, which lasted a little over two hours, a transcript of the notes was promised, in order to show exactly what had taken place. The transcript of the notes is not forthcoming, and a difference has arisen as to what was the decision arrived at at the conference. The parties to-night have agreed that, with your permission, Mr. Speaker, and with the permission of the House, to ask for a further adjournment, in order that the transcript of the notes may be furnished, and the actual arrangements come to on the question at issue decided upon by the notes of the conference. I think it, would be beneficial to all concerned if the House, without debating the matter further this evening, would agree to the adjournment asked for. I beg to make that request. I beg to move accordingly.


I second the Motion.

Question, "That the Debate be now adjourned," put, and agreed to.

Debate to be resumed upon Thursday, 29th July.

Debate adjourned.

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