HC Deb 20 July 1909 vol 8 cc262-3

asked the President of the Board of Trade if the Department would favour proposals to improve the standing and personnel of engineers serving in coasting steamers trading within the United Kingdom limits by allowing the whole or part of such service to count as qualification for certificates in the same way as if in steamers trading in foreign ports oversea?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Churchill)

I think the hon. Member's question is possibly based on some misapprehension. Service in the Home trade (which includes the coasting trade) is already recognised as qualifying service for a Board of Trade certificate, being accepted as equivalent to two-thirds of the same period of time served in the foreign trade. If the hon. Member wishes to suggest that it should have the same value, I can only say that, in view of the difference of conditions under which the service is performed, the Board of Trade are not prepared to alter the present rule.


Is it not the case that such service in coasting steamers only counts if the engines are above 99 nominal horse-power, and would the Department favour the removal of such a restriction if it really exists?


No. I think that the distinction is drawn between the coasting trade and the foreign trade, that the coasting trade only counts two-thirds I of the foreign trade.


Supposing that the limit does occur, would the right hon. Gentleman try to remove that limit?


I will look into the special point, but the rule has been adopted for a great many years, and it is very undesirable to change the ratio.