HC Deb 19 July 1909 vol 8 c8
Sir H. CRAIK (for Mr. Joynson-Hicks),

asked whether the fact that the guardians of the poor take proceedings on behalf of an aged widow to compel her son to contribute towards her maintenance, and succeed in such proceedings, recovering the costs thereof from the defendant, is a bar to the old lady's obtaining an old age pension; and, if so, why such action by the guardians is treated as the receipt of Poor Law relief by the applicant?


I do not find that any case of the kind referred to has come before me. I may, however, point out generally that the Guardians could not take proceedings to compel contributions from a son towards the maintenance of his mother unless she was chargeable, and that she would be disqualified for an old age pension not by the proceedings, but by the receipt of the relief which would be a condition precedent to the proceedings being taken.


Are we to understand that the right hon. Gentleman says there has never come to his knowledge a case of this description?


Yes, I repeat what I have said.


May I be allowed to supply the right hon. Gentleman with scores of such cases?


I shall be delighted to receive them, but they will not be as the hon. Member implies.