HC Deb 19 July 1909 vol 8 cc26-7

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman's attention has been called to the fact that the Land Commission court held at Kenmare on the 6th instant was adjourned indefinitely, although a number of cases set down for hearing were not dealt with; whether, seeing that many of the tenants had to travel a long distance and bring their witnesses, he will state why these tenants were not notified in advance that their cases would not be dealt with, or, alternatively, why the court did not sit for an extra couple of hours in order to complete the list; and can he state when the hearing will be resumed at Kenmare?


I am informed by the Land Commission that on the occasion in question the Sub-Commission Court was unable to hear 15 of the fair rent cases which had been listed. Owing to the number of applications which ultimately came up for hearing it was found in court that it would be impossible to have the holdings in these 15 cases inspected and judgment delivered by the 31st instant when the Sub-Commission Courts adjourn for the vacation.


Did the Sub-Commissioners in two cases where sales were pending deliberately put back the fixing of a fair rent?


If the hon. Member will give me notice I will investigate the case.