HC Deb 13 July 1909 vol 7 cc1852-3

asked the President of the Board of Trade if his attention has been called to the case of Mr. Trattles, of Stockton, who passed for first mate in colour tests, as well as for other qualifications, in 1906, and who received the examiner's authority for the delivery of a first mate's certificate, but who afterwards received a letter stating that his examination had been cancelled as he had failed to pass a special colour examination in 1905; whether he is aware that since such time he had been at sea as second mate, giving entire satisfaction to the owners and also the captain of the vessel; that the Board of Trade is now demanding the return of Mr. Trattles' second mate's ticket; and, if so, whether he will give the matter full consideration before adopting any such measures?


My attention has been called to the case of Mr. Trattles and the facts are as stated. The examiners' authority is "subject to the approval of the Chief Examiner in London and of the Board of Trade." In the interests of safety at sea that approval was withheld. I have reason to believe that the owners and the master of the ship on which Mr. Trattles has since sailed have expressed their Satisfaction with his services. In view of his failure to pass a special examination in colour vision on 28th May last the Board of Trade have decided that they I cannot take the responsibility of allowing him to hold a second mate's certificate, and have, therefore, requested him to surrender it. This decision has been arrived at after the most careful consideration and on the best advice obtainable.


How was it this man did not receive his certificate?


A very careful examination is made. The examination has to be ratified by the superior authority from time to time, and it happens that, on the second trial by that superior authority, they took the view that the first examination did not have satisfactory results, and that they could not accept the responsibility of giving a certificate which might lead to loss of life.


May I take it as a fact that candidates are subject to a second examination with regard to vision before they receive a certificate?


In any instance where the necessity for a second examination exists in the opinion of the authorities a special examination is held, and this is one of those cases.


How did it come about that this second examination took place, inasmuch as this man had given entire satisfaction to the ship's captain and the owners under whom he served?


I do not think the regular procedure was departed from in any way.


How came it about that the demand for the second examination was insisted upon, and on what authority was it made?


The process of colour examination is a very extensive and regular process, carried on on a large scale, and I am not aware of any special demand for a second examination, but I will inquire how it was. I have reason to believe that a perfectly regular course has been followed.