HC Deb 06 July 1909 vol 7 cc1023-4
Captain MORRISON-BELL (on behalf of Captain Clive)

asked the President of the Board of Education if his attention had been called to the fact that the effect of Circular 709 would be to impose upon the ratepayers of Herefordshire an additional annual burden of over £1,000; and if he could see his way to withdraw the Order?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. Runciman)

On 25th June the local education authority of Herefordshire furnished an estimate of the amount mentioned. The particulars on which the statement is based will be investigated as soon as possible.


asked the President of the Board of Education whether the investigation of the estimates received from the local education authorities with reference to Circular 709 had been sufficiently advanced to enable him now to give detailed information of the financial effect of the circular; if so, would he state what were the minimum and maximum amounts of the increased expenditure disclosed by such estimates; and what was the amount of the increased rate involved in each case?


The investigation and discussion of the estimates furnished by local education authorities is proceeding as rapidly as possible. I hope to be able to furnish information on the matter at an early date.