HC Deb 05 July 1909 vol 7 cc805-6

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that motor spirit is now being manufactured as a bye-product in many parts of the country; whether he has established a system for carrying out the Excise on such motor spirit; and whether he can say what is likely to be the cost of enforcing such Excise duty and the amount of money likely to be produced to the Exchequer thereby?


I assume that the hon. Member refers to coal-tar products. A certain quantity of these products might be capable of being used as motor fuel, but, so far as can be ascertained, they are not so used at present except to a quite inappreciable extent, and in these circumstances, as stated in reply to a question by the hon. Member for the Leigh Division of Lanacshire on the 22nd ult., it has not been thought necessary to make arrangements for charging duty on these articles. If all the works producing the spirit in question were brought under Excise control with a view of raising a revenue charge on all such spirits produced the expense would be considerable, while, owing to the fact that practically none of the spirit is used as motor fuel, the amount of money actually received by the Exchequer would be trifling.


I may take it no excise is charged on motor spirit manufactured in England?


That is what I have said as regards the particular class of spirit mentioned.