HC Deb 01 July 1909 vol 7 c585
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that on Sunday, 20th June, at Toureen, near Gort, county Galway, 16 cattle, the property of J. Roche Kelly, Esq., were driven off his land for about four miles, and a gate pulled down, and not since recovered; whether he is aware that the land from which the cattle were driven is Mr. Kelly's own property, and that he has no tenants in the same parish; whether he can state if the police can assign any reason for the outrage; if any arrests have been made, and, if so, what sentences were passed upon the perpetrators of the outrage; and what steps the police propose to take to protect Mr. Kelly's property from occurrences of a similar nature in the future?


Sixteen cattle were driven off the farm in question, which is Mr. Kelly's own property, on the date mentioned, and were recovered about two miles away. A gate was also removed, and has not yet been found. Mr. Kelly has no tenants in the parish. The police have not yet been able to discover the guilty parties, and it would be contrary to the established practice to express any opinion as to their motive. The police are taking every precaution to protect Mr. Kelly's property.