HC Deb 30 August 1909 vol 10 cc24-5

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been directed to the complaint of Mr. John Graham, contractor, of Dromore, county Down, that when he was carrying out a contract at Roscommon he had to stand with revolver in hand to protect his Protestant workmen; whether any complaints were made to the police as to attempted boycotting or sectarian opposition to Mr. John Graham's workmen, whilst he was engaged in the county; and, if so, what action was taken by the police upon such complaints and with what results?


My attention has been called to a newspaper report of a speech made by Mr. Graham to the effect stated in the question, but I cannot of course vouch for the accuracy of the report. I am informed by the constabulary authorities that there is no truth in the statement that Mr. Graham or any of his workmen were boycotted. Mr. Graham was employed as a contractor for the repair of the waterworks at Boyle about four years ago. He had only in his employment, so far as the police are aware, two Protestant workmen, neither of whom were molested in any way. One of them got married, and settled down in Boyle, where I believe he is now living happily. No complaints whatsoever were made to the police of any attempt to boycott, or any sectarian opposition to, these men, and the police report that in their opinion the allegations about boycotting and intimidation are purely the results of a fertile imagination.


May I ask whether a report of the speech of Mr. Graham, for which the right hon. Gentleman has told the House there is no foundation, was circulated in a pamphlet headed "Grievances from Ireland," by Lord Ashtown?


No, Sir; I have not seen the pamphlet.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether the local authority who employed Mr. Graham to carry out these works was a Nationalist authority?


The hon. Member must give notice of that question.