HC Deb 23 August 1909 vol 9 c1755

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he had received any Reports, and, if so, what, respecting the recent military manœuvres by the Territorial Forces in the New Forest; whether special facilities were given to them for this purpose by the Court of Verderers of the New Forest, but the Commissioners of Woods and Forests barred access to all the Crown enclosures, to the great detriment of the troops; and, if so, whether he would inquire into and state the reasons for this action on the part of the Crown authorities?

Mr. J. M. F. FULLER (Vice-Chamberlain of H.M. Household)

No reports of these manœuvres have yet reached the War Office. I am well aware of the great assistance contributed by the Court of Verderers, and I should like to add that the War Office is also indebted for hearty co-operation to the Office of Woods and Forests. Without the assistance afforded by the Verderers and the Office of Woods and Forests the training in the New Forest would have been impracticable.