HC Deb 20 August 1909 vol 9 cc1711-2

Notice of removal from a dwelling-house may be given by messenger-at-arms or sheriff officer, or other competent officer of court, or by registered letter signed by the owner or by the law agent or factor of such owner, posted at any post office within, the United Kingdom in time to admit of its being delivered at the address theron prior to or on the last date upon which by this Act such notice of removal must be given, addressed to the person entitled to receive such notice, and bearing the particular address of such person at the time, if the same be known, or if the same be not known, then at the last known address of such person, in terms of the Sheriffs' Courts (Scotland) Act, 1907.

Amendment made: After the word "a" ["a dwelling-house"] insert the word "small."—[Mr. Ure.]

Mr. URE moved to leave out the words "the owner, or by the law agent or factor of such owner," and to insert the words "or on behalf of the owner or occupier."


May I ask why the Lord Advocate has brought in the occupier? In Committee occupier was left out.


The words were not struck out in Committee. Under Clause 6 either the owner or the occupier may give notice of removal; therefore, in providing machinery, we must provide not merely for the owner, but also for the occupier.

Amendment agreed to.