HC Deb 19 August 1909 vol 9 cc1528-9

asked whether the attention of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland has been called to the fact that a female teacher in the Kilmorey national school, Kilkeel, county Down, has been summarily dismissed by the Episcopalian rector, the Reverend W. McKnight, after marrying a Presbyterian; whether she holds satisfactory certificates and has had good reports from the school inspectors in two districts; and whether any steps can be taken in the matter by the Board of National Education?


The Commissioners of National Education inform me that they are not aware that any teacher in the Kil-morey national school, county Down, has been summarily dismissed by the manager owing to her marriage. The teachers of this school have signed the form of agreement No. 1, which gives to the manager absolute power to determine the teacher's employment at any time without previous notice, on payment of three months' salary. It is open to any teacher who has a well-grounded cause of complaint against the manager of a school to submit such complaint to the Commissioners for their consideration. The reports on the school received from the Board's inspectors indicate satisfactory work on the part of the members of the teaching staff.


Do I understand that the Episcopalian rector denies he has served notice of dismissal upon this teacher because she married a Nonconformist?


No such information has reached the Commissioners of National Education.


Have they asked the question whether he has given notice of dismissal?


No. It is open to the teacher who has signed the agreement to protect herself from summary dismissal if she thinks the action taken unfair by complaining to the Commissioners. That she has not yet done.