HC Deb 17 August 1909 vol 9 cc1087-8

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he is aware that under existing licensing duties a deduction of one-seventh is allowed to retailers who do not keep open on Sundays, and a further one-seventh deduction to licensees who close earlier than the prescribed time; and if in the Finance Bill the same principle will be applied, so as to give Scottish licensees some benefit from the shorter hours for sale of drink in Scotland as compared with London?


The deductions from the ordinary duty on licences in respect of Sunday and Early Closing licences is under the present law as stated by my hon. Friend. No alteration is made by the Finance Bill in that law, and similar deductions will be allowed.


Do we understand that Scotland is to be charged at the same rate as England though the licensee sells for fewer hours, and that the taxation, therefore, is to be on a higher basis?


That does not arise out of the question.