HC Deb 17 August 1909 vol 9 c1075

asked the President of the Local Government Board if he could publish the report of the medical officer of health on the consignment of frozen meat landed by the Peninsular and Oriental steamer "Palermo" at the Royal Albert Docks from China?


I have no doubt that the medical officer of health for the City will ultimately deal with this matter in a report to the Sanitary Committee of the Corporation, which will be printed and issued in the usual way. No general report can be made for some time, as the carcases will not be thawed and examined all at once, but only as they are required for trade purposes. So far less than five per cent, of them have been thawed and examined.


Is it not the fact that the City Corporation medical officer of health is making an examination of these carcases, and, inasmuch as they may not be free from disease, is it not possible to publish the report?


It is perfectly true that the port sanitary medical officer is making a close examination of these carcases, and we have also instructed the medical inspector of the Local Government Board to pay special attention to this subject.