HC Deb 09 August 1909 vol 9 cc1-2

The CHAIRMAN of WAYS and MEANS (Mr. Emmott) moved:— That, in the case of the Dunoon Burgh Bill [Lords], the Order of the House [8th March] that all Private Bills promoted by municipal and other local authorities by which it is proposed to create powers relating to police, sanitary, or other local government regulations in conflict with, deviation from, or excess of the provisions of the general Law shall be committed to the Local Legislation Committee, be suspended: That the Bill be referred to the Committee on Unopposed Bills. This Bill was originally deposited as a Scotch Order, but the provisions were unusual, so it was decided that it should proceed as a substituted Bill. The unusual powers were thrown out in the House of Lords, and the result is that there are only left in the Bill two empowering clauses of quite the ordinary and usual character. The ordinary course would be for the Bill to go to the Unopposed Committee or the Local Legislation Committee; but the Local Legislation has finished all the Bills referred to it, and has practically concluded its report. As this is an unopposed Bill, and also as the Local Legislation Committee does not, as a rule, deal with Scotch local Government legislation, I think the simplest and best course will be to send the Bill to the Unopposed Committee. Therefore, I move.

Mr. H. A. WATT

I object.

Motion to be considered to-morrow.