HC Deb 03 August 1909 vol 8 cc1691-2

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the ex-Shah of Persia is still at the Russian Legation in Tehran under the protection of the British and Russian flags; and, in view of the menace to public peace involved by his continued presence in the country, what steps are being taken to conduct him to the frontier without further delay?


Arrangements are in contemplation to conduct the Shah to the frontier, under escort, with the least possible delay; but before they can be actually carried out certain questions must be settled with regard to his future place of residence, the amount of the pension which he is to receive, and the transfer to his successor of the crown jewels.


Has any objection been made by the Persian Government to the removal or departure of the ex-Shah, or has such an objection been made by the two Legations?


No objection has been made, either by the Persian Government or by the two Legations. The delay is caused by the questions of the pension and of the Crown jewels.


Will the ultimate residence of the Shah be settled by the signatories of the Anglo-Russian Convention?


No doubt they will be consulted in the matter.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the number of Russian troops at Kazvin had been increased since the establishment of the Nationalist Government at Tehran; if so, to what extent; and could he state the reason for this increase, in view of the tranquillity prevailing at Tehran and the scrupulous regard which had been paid by the new Government to the security and to the interests of Europeans?


The information in my possession is to the effect that the number of these troops has not been increased, and that no more troops have been embarked at Baku beyond the number originally fixed, of which His Majesty's Government, were informed by the Russian Government.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he could give the House any information regarding the state of affairs in Shiraz and Meshed?


As regards the situation at Shiraz, I beg to refer the hon. Member to the reply returned on the 29th ultimo to the hon. Member for East Mayo. According to later information which I have received the reinforcements for the Consular Guard have now arrived. As regards Meshed, the latest report in my possession is contained in a telegram from His Majesty's Minister at Tehran, dated 5th July, in which it is stated that a meeting had taken place at His Majesty's Consulate-General, at which the British and Russian Consuls-General, the Governor-General, and the leading members of the local Assembly, were present. A reconciliation was effected, and disarmament agreed to. The arrangement made was ratified by the Assembly. The telegram goes on to describe the situation as promising.