HC Deb 02 August 1909 vol 8 c1555
Captain CRAIG

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can state if the Strangford Bar buoy has yet been removed to the new permanent position promised by the Irish Lights Commissioners?


I am informed by the Irish Lights Commissioners that a notice to mariners is being issued that the buoy will be moved to the new position this year, but that the alteration cannot take place until a sufficient time has elapsed after the publication of the notice.

Captain CRAIG

What is the length of time generally in a case of this sort, and will the hon. Gentleman take steps to see that the buoy is in its proper position before the bad weather comes on?


I have not been able to ascertain what the usual period is. It is not a very common occurrence, but I have received a telegram from the Irish Lights Commissioners in the terms of which I have given the answer. I will, of course, take care to see that this change takes place before the bad weather comes on.