§ Mr. WEDGWOODasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has been 468 able to verify the proposed increase in the American duty on lithographic transfers from 10d. to 10s. 5d. a pound; and, if so, will he join the German Government in a protest against this interference with trade?
§ The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Churchill)The provisions of the United States Tariff Bill in respect to these lithographic transfers were explained in the reply given to my hon. Friend on April 7th. I understand, however, that the duty originally proposed in the Bill has been amended both by the House of Representatives and by the Senate Committee of Finance, and that the proposed rate on "decalcomanias in ceramic colours" now stands at one dollar per pound. As regards the second part of the question, I understand that no official representations have been made by the German Government to the United States Government on this subject, but the question of the proposed duties on these and other articles under the Tariff Bill now before Congress continues to receive the earnest consideration of His Majesty's Government.