HC Deb 26 April 1909 vol 4 cc3-4

asked the Secretary for War whether the granting of honorary rank to officers of the Territorial Force is to be discontinued; and if so, since the granting of this honorary rank costs the country nothing, whether he will state the reasons for this step?


The abolition of honorary rank in the Territorial Force was one of the measures adopted in conformity with the principle of assimilating pro-the Regular Forces. In place of honorary cedure in that Force more closely with rank brevet rank will be given under paragraph 28 of the Territorial Force Regulations for distinguished service in the field or for meritorious or distinguished service of an exceptional nature other than in the field. This is in strict conformity with the practice in the Regular Army. In consideration of the fact that many officers of the Volunteer Force were on the point of qualifying for a step of honorary rank on 31st March, 1908, after which it ceased to be given, a concession of a year's service has been made to meet such cases, so that any officer who would have obtained a step of honorary rank by 31st March, 1909, will be given it as if the Volunteer Force had continued to that date.


In view of the fact that a great many of these officers have served a number of years, is the right hon. Gentleman prepared to retain them for at least another five years?


It is much more important that the Regular Army and the Territoral Force should be under one set of regulations. Very many of these sham distinctions which used to exist are just the very things we wish to eliminate.

Mr. H. A. WATT

Will this new honorary rank, to be substituted for the one abolished, be optional on the part of the commanding officer, or will the officer have it as a right?


It is not optional at all. It is going to be given for meritorious, services only, and it is not going to be given to officers as a mere honorary distinction.


Is it the fact that the brevet rank is given for meritorious services in the field, and in the case of actual warfare?


The hon. Member apparently did not catch what I read: "In place of honorary rank brevet rank will be given under paragraph 28 of the Territorial Force Regulations for distinguished service in the field or for meritorious or distinguished service of an exceptional nature other than in the field."