HC Deb 26 April 1909 vol 4 cc15-6

asked the Lord Advocate whether he could state the arrears of assessments in the island of Lewis which were levied up to and including the financial year 1907–8; what was the amount of these assessments for the current year, and how much of this was still uncollected, and what remained unexpended of the bank advance granted, on the guarantee of the Treasury, in November last to meet the pressing necessities of local government?


As the information required by the hon. Member contains a long statement of figures it will be circulated with the Votes. [See Written Answers this date.]


asked the Lord Advocate, in view of the fact that under the recent decision of the Stornaway Sheriff Court and subsequent appeal, the proprietor of the island of Lewis had been relieved of nearly 50 per cent. of the rates for which he was formerly held to be liable, would he state how the shortage thus created in the rates for the parishes of Lochs, Barvas, and Uig was to be made up, especially bearing in mind that the crofters and other ratepayers in these parishes already found difficulty in paying the rates at present levied on them?


The decision of the sheriff is now under consideration, and I am not at present prepared to interpret its effect upon the other ratepayers.


Is it not the fact that a decision has been given on appeal by the Sheriff Principal?


The Sheriff Principal has given a decision and I am at present considering what its effect will be on the liabilities of the ratepayers.