HC Deb 22 April 1909 vol 3 c1675

I think the Prime Minister indicated yesterday his intention of making a general statement about the immediate prospects of public business next week.


On Monday next, the 26th instant, we propose to take as the First Order the Report of the Indian Councils Bill, and I hope we may be allowed to get the third reading by consent. We shall then proceed with a number of comparatively small Bills—the Board of Trade Bill, the second reading of which we failed to get the other night; the Board of Agriculture Bill, the Assistant Postmaster-General Bill, the Cinematograph Bill, and the Buildings and Engineering Works Bill. Tuesday, the 27th, we propose to make one of the allotted days of Supply, and the Post Office Vote will be put down first. On Wednesday, which is a half-day, we propose to take the second reading of the Trade Boards Bill. On Thursday, the 29th, the Budget Statement will be made, and following the usual practice, we shall propose to suspend the Eleven o'clock Rule to enable the necessary Resolutions to be taken the same night.