HC Deb 22 April 1909 vol 3 c1671

asked the Secretary for the Home Department whether his attention has been drawn to the system adopted in many places, since the Children Act came into operation, of parents with children being sold intoxicants outside licensed premises, usually on the pavement and street; and whether, seeing that licences granted to public-houses are applicable to the rooms and bars only over which the licensee has the right of control, he will say what steps he proposes to take, by legislation or otherwise, to prevent the sale and supply of drink in public places under such conditions?


I have no information to the effect indicated by the hon. Member. If, in fact, any person sells intoxicating liquor at any place where he is not authorised by his licence to sell it, he commits an offence against the licensing laws, e.g., section 3 of the Act of 1872. If any such illegal practice is brought to the notice of the Excise officers or of the police, I have no doubt that they will be ready to take all proper steps to enforce the law.