HC Deb 05 April 1909 vol 3 cc719-20

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners have acquired or propose to acquire 14 acres (I. P. M.) of untenanted land on the Rowe estate, at Garnaston, county Kilkenny; whether he is aware that the same is situate in the midst of uneconomic holdings varying from 14 to 22 acres (I. P. M.); whether the holders of such uneconomic holdings have applied to the Estates Commissioners for a portion of the lands referred to; and will he state what action he proposes to take?


Proceedings were instituted in July last for the sale of this estate direct to the tenants, including 27 acres of untenanted land for division. When the Estates Commissioners are dealing with this estate in its order of priority the applications received in connection with the untenanted land will be duly considered.