HC Deb 05 April 1909 vol 3 cc708-9
Captain CRAIG

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that a vacancy has been created on the Board of Irish Lights Commissioners by the resignation of Viscount Monck; and whether he will represent to the Commissioners the advisability of appointing some representative of the Board of Trade to fill the vacancy, who will be responsible to Parliament in regard to questions affecting the administration of the Board?


I am informed by the Commissioners of Irish Lights that Viscount Monck has resigned, and that the vacancy thus created has been filled.

Captain CRAIG

May I ask whether it has been approved by anyone who has any knowledge of that part of the coast from Belfast or the other shipping centres in the North?


I think if the hon. Member will wait he will see in due course whether the person appointed is a person who has his confidence.


Can the hon. Gentleman tell us who he is?


No, I cannot.


Has the hon. Gentleman's attention been drawn to the recommendations of the recent Royal Commission on Lighthouse Administra- tion and the evidence they took as regards the advisability of modifying the constitution of the Lights Board?


I think that is under the consideration of the Department. No decision has been arrived at.

Captain CRAIG

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the loss of the French barque "Surcouf," off Ballyquinton Point, co. Down, made the twenty-fifth fatal disaster off that part of the coast during the past five years, and the sixth fatal disaster during the past winter; whether, under the circumstances, he will make the strongest possible representations to the Irish Lights Commissioners to have the temporary buoy removed from its present position and placed about 1| mile from the bar mouth, and whether, if the Irish Lights Commissioners refuse to do so, he will appoint a Commission to inquire into the whole matter on the spot, with a view to securing that the permanent buoy is moored in the right place?


During the last five years ten vessels have been totally lost by stranding on the coast of County Down between Belfast Lough and St. John's Point, Strangford Lough. Of these wrecks five have occurred during the past winter. In only one instance was there loss of human life, namely, in the case of a wreck near Donaghadee in December, 1905, on which occasion four lives were lost. As I have informed the hon. Member the Board of Trade are in communication with the Commissioners of Irish Lights as to the desirability of a further conference with the Trinity House in regard to the position of the buoy.

Captain CRAIG

Is the hon. Member aware that along the coast all the life saving is due to the coastguards, whose stations are now being taken away?


was understood to say I have no doubt.