HC Deb 29 October 1908 vol 195 c478

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the Government of Mysore has directed the introduction of religious and moral instruction into all Government schools and colleges, for the express reason that irreverence of all kinds and disrespect for authority has been on the increase; whether specific religious instruction during school hours is now given in Mysore from the sacred books of the Hindus, Mahomedans, and Christians; and whether the Government of India proposes to adopt the same method of dealing with the present unrest in India at the root.


The Secretary of State has seen a resolution of the Government of Mysore directing the introduction of a system of religious and moral instruction in all Government schools and colleges in that State with effect from the 1st November next. The measure is in the nature of an experiment, and its working will be watched with interest.


Will the Government of India follow the example in this behalf of this native State which has found so much favour in the eyes of the hon. Member for Merthyr?


I think we had better wait and see how the experiment works.