HC Deb 26 October 1908 vol 194 c1586

To ask the First Commissioner of Works whether he is aware that there are a considerable number of workmen employed in the central parks doing the work of skilled mechanics who are only being paid labourers' wages, viz., 27s. per week; whether he is aware that skilled workmen are sometimes discharged and, in the course of a few days, re-engaged as labourers, and are almost immediately instructed to do the work of skilled artizans; and whether he will take steps to alter this state of affairs.

(Answered by Mr. L. Harcourt.) The Answer to the first paragraph is in the negative. In one instance only has a bricklayer been re-engaged as a labourer. He has once been employed on some rough brickwork; in future such work will be done by a bricklayer.