§ MR. LONSDALE (Armagh, Mid)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that the reply of the Admiralty to the request 1341 of the New Zealand Government for a vessel for the purpose of training young New Zealanders for the Navy has occasioned disappointment and discouragement in the Dominion; and whether he will make further inquiries as to the possibility of acceding to the patriotic desire of the Colony.
§ MR. MCKENNAIt is a matter for sincere regret to me if the answer of the Admiralty has occasioned discouragement in the Dominion, but every inquiry was made at the time with a view to the possibility of meeting the wishes of the Dominion Government. It must be understood that to carry out efficiently the training of as many as 500 boys in a seagoing ship, a very special class of vessel is necessary, and at that time and now, no such vessel in the Royal Navy is available.
§ MR. LONSDALEWill the right hon. Gentleman make further inquiries?
§ MR. MCKENNAI have made every investigation which is possible in the matter.