CAPTAIN CRAIGI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state the number and names of hon. Members of this House who have publicly advocated cattle-driving in Ireland during the recent recess; in how many cases did the police take shorthand notes of the proceedings; in how many cases did the Government institute proceedings against them; and how many arrests of persons actually engaged in cattle-driving were made.
§ MR. BIRRELLI am not in a position to state the number and names of hon. Members who have publicly advocated cattle-driving during the recent recess. The only case of which I have official knowledge is that of the hon. Member for North Longford, who recently delivered a public speech in which he is stated to have advocated cattle-driving. The speech was officially reported and the shorthand notes are at present under consideration. No proceedings have yet been instituted. During the period in question seventy-three persons engaged in cattle-driving were arrested.
§ MR. MOOREWas the speech to which the right hon. Gentleman refers delivered since the same hon. Member was tried for inciting to cattle-driving, the jury disagreeing, and the Government taking no further action?
§ MR. BIRRELLYes; I think that is so.
CAPTAIN CRAIGasked whether the Government considered it fair that the people who acted on the advice of hon. Members should he imprisoned while the instigators went free.
§ [No Answer was returned.]