§ MR. CLOUGH (Yorkshire, W.R., Skipton)I beg to ask the President of 945 the Local Government Board whether any further reports will be issued by the Royal Commission on the Treatment and Disposal of Sewage; and, if so, how many, and when does he expect to receive the final Report; and whether he proposes to introduce legislation for the regulation of trade effluents into public sewers before he receives the final Report of this Commission.
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD (Mr. JOHN BURNS,) BatterseaI understand that the Royal Commission propose to issue a Report in the course of the next three months on the disposal of distillery refuse, and that in their final Report they will deal with the disposal of other trade effluents when not mixed with sewage. The date of the issue of the final Report cannot at present be given, but I do not think it will be necessary to await it before proposing legislation on the subject referred to in the Question.