§ MR. CARLILE (Hertfordshire, St. Albans)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in view of the decision to make weekly payments 732 through the post offices of the allowances under the Old-Age Pensions Act, he will consider the advisability of paying Navy pensioners their allowances weekly also, instead of quarterly, as at present.
§ MR. McKENNAI must refer the hon. Member to the replies I gave to similar Questions in this House on Wednesday and Thursday in last week.
§ MR. CARLILEHas any difference of opinion arisen between the Admiralty and the Treasury on this subject which accounts for the character of the Answer referred to?
§ MR. McKENNASo far as I am aware, no communications have passed between the Admiralty and the Treasury on the subject.
§ MR. CARLILEWill the right hon. Gentleman give the matter serious consideration in view of the reasons I have submitted to him?
§ MR. McKENNAI have given most anxious consideration to the question. The boards of guardians are aware of my decision; yet so far none of them have communicated with me.