HC Deb 12 October 1908 vol 194 c40

Has the Prime Minister anything to say as to the general course of business this week? May I ask also whether the Government will be prepared to give the House an opportunity to discuss the regulations that have been issued under the Old-Age Pensions Act from time to time, and which, I believe, under the Rules of the House have to lie on the Table for twenty-one days before they become law? There are several points arising under these regulations which some hon. Members would like to discuss.


As regards the course of business this week, it will remain as I foreshadowed it before the House rose. We shall take the Children Bill to-day and to-morrow, and the Prevention of Crimes Bill if there is time. The remainder of the week will be devoted to the Licensing Bill under the closure resolutions. As regards the regulations under the Old-Age Pensions Act, if the right hon. Gentleman and any other Members will be good enough to indicate to me what are the particular points on which they desire discussion to take place, I will give careful consideration to them, and see if it will be to the general convenience of the House to discuss them.