HC Deb 30 November 1908 vol 197 cc1053-4
MR. FIELD (Dublin, St. Patrick)

To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether the Government will take into immediate consideration the advisability of conferring with the Labour Members respecting the establishment of an official Board of Arbitration upon the principles already in operation in certain British Colonies and Continental countries, with a view to the amicable settlement of trade disputes.

(Answered by Mr. Churchill.) In view of the great variety of principles on which. Foreign and Colonial Arbitration Acts are based, I am not quite clear as to the particular principles to which the hon. Member refers, but I would remind him that I ha e recently set up a standing Court of Arbitration with a view to giving better effect to the intention of the Conciliation Act. He will find particulars of the scheme in the Memorandum which I have caused to be forwarded to him. I propose to await experience of this scheme before considering other proposals.