§ MR. FFRENCH (Wexford, S.)To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that clerks of unions in Ireland are from time to time called upon to furnish long Returns to this House, involving expense on the guardians, to whom they look for payment; whether he is aware that the New Ross board of guardians has recently objected to further payments to their officials for this purpose; and whether, as the Royal Commissions and Parliamentary Committees for whom these Returns are ordered are appointed for Imperial purposes, the Treasury will in future recoup the officials concerned and not put it a charge on local rates.
(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) My attention has not been previously directed to the subject. But I cannot admit that Parliament is precluded from calling for information to be furnished by local authorities when such information is required in the public interest, and especially when it relates to inquiries in which the boards of guardians are specially concerned, without undertaking to make additional payments to cover any cost that may be incurred.