HC Deb 25 November 1908 vol 197 cc408-10

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware if District Inspector Irwin, Head Constable Marnane, and Sergeant Monaghan, of the Royal Irish Constabulary, Maryborough, Queen's County, have been censured in connection with an alleged burning outrage at Knockmay, Queen's County; whether he is aware that a claim for malicious injury was made in connection with this burning, and investigated at Maryborough Quarter Sessions, on the 17th October last, before Judge Fitzgerald, and that the claim was dismissed with costs; and can he say what was the offence for which District Inspector Irwin, Head Constable Marnane, and Sergeant Monaghan were censured.

I beg also to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether information of the burning at Knockmay, Queen's County, was given to Sergeant Monaghan at 3.30 p.m. on the 20th July last by a youth, named Thompson; whether Sergeant Monaghan immediately reported the matter to the head constable and district inspector; whether the officers visited the land where the burning took place the same evening, and Sergeant Monaghan discovered that the burning was accidentally caused by children living in an adjacent cottage, the eldest of whom was only five years old; whether evidence was obtained that Thompson's information was deliberately concocted; and, if so, whether in view of this fact and of his knowledge of Thompson's previous character, he will explain why County Inspector Tweedy ordered his evidence to be acted on, and warrants to be obtained for the arrest of three men who had been named by Thompson as having caused the burning; and will he explain why County Inspector Tweedy has been promoted to the county inspectorship of Queen's County.

I beg further to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that Sergeant Monaghan, Royal Irish Constabulary, had thirteen years service at the county headquarters station at Maryborough, Queen's County; that he was frequently complimented by the bench for the able and efficient discharge of his duties; and that he had been recommended for promotion by two former county inspectors; and will he explain why this officer has been transferred under censure to one of the most unimportant stations in the county, where he has to live apart from his wife and children.


The district inspector, head constable, and sergeant, were admonished by the Inspector-General for neglect of duty in not taking sufficiently prompt steps to investigate a case of alleged malicious burning of straw at Knockmay. The fact that a claim for compensation was subsequently dismissed with costs does not in any way exonerate these police officers. The sergeant was subsequently transferred from Maryborough to Castletown in the interests of the public service and not as a punishment. Upon his own application he is now to be transferred to Mountrath, where there is better accommodation for his family. As proceedings are pending against Joseph Thompson for perjury in connection with the case of alleged malicious burning, it is not desirable to enter into further particulars of the matter. Mr. Tweedy was promoted to rank of county inspector as being the senior officer fully qualified for promotion.


asked if this county inspector was examined at the inquiry into the Glenaheary outrage in support of Lord Ashtown; was it for this he was promoted?


No, Sir.

MR. LUNDON (Limerick, E.)

asked if he was the man who eight years since was associated at Milltown Malbay with the notorious Sergeant Sheridan?


I do not know.