§ MR. MORRELLI beg to ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether, in view of the number of applications which have been received under the Small Holdings Act and the number of those still waiting to be dealt with, the Board will now appoint another Commissioner and as many more inspectors as may be necessary in order to insure a more rapid and vigorous administration of the Act.
§ SIR E. STRACHEYhe Board are now considering what additional staff is necessary to cope with the work arising under the Act.
§ MR. MORRELLIs it not the fact that, as now constituted, the Commissioners are really unable to carry 122 out the work imposed on them by the Act?
§ SIR E. STRACHEYI do not think so at the present moment. My hon. friend may rely on it that the President of the Board, if he thinks more staff is required, will not fail to make the necessary appointments.
§ * MR. MACKARNESSHow many inspectors are there now?